Leadership Development Course with Rich Nathan

Our Founding Pastor, Rich Nathan, leads a course for current VC Leaders on Monday nights called: Leadership | Kingdom, Theology & Mission. The goal is to equip leaders in Kingdom theology, Biblical interpretation, and practical application.  
Leadership | Kingdom, Theology & Mission includes three quarters (10 Monday nights each) of reading, reflection, and group discussion on topics that are Biblical, theological, and practical. It is designed to be robust! If, as a current leader, you have space, you have a sense of calling to grow as a leader, and/or you feel called to pursue future ministry involvement… this is a great opportunity for you!
What it entails: Participants commit to purchasing and reading one-two books every quarter and attending the majority of the Monday evening sessions. We commit to offer you excellent leadership equipping, robust theological and practical training, and an experience with a challenging and encouraging learning community.  

Q1 - Understanding the Kingdom and the Work of the Holy Spirit 
Mondays starting September 16 through mid-December at Westerville Campus from 7-9pm

The Autumn course will focus on the Kingdom of God – its theology and practice.  We will read 1 book together.  Rich will also cover a range of leadership and other theological topics during these Monday night classes.  There will be plenty of opportunities for questions and class discussion with Rich.

Please register for this class here. If you have any questions, email: Susan.Nault@vineyardcolumbus.org.

Approximate dates and topics for Quarters 2 and 3:

Q2 - How to Interpret the Bible and Basic Theology  
Starting in January for 10 weeks from 7–9PM at Westerville Campus

Q3 – Reaching Our Community and Our World
Starting Monday, April 1 for 10 weeks from 7–9PM at Westerville Campus
If you know of other Vineyard Columbus leaders who would benefit from this opportunity, please feel free to pass along this information to them!