Growing During Lent
Ways to grow during Lent
Our small groups team partnered with our Online Team this year to produce resources to help guide discussions around our sermon series. But we also have a book recommendation and a devotional if you'd like to explore something else during this season. We've worked hard to compile resources that fit the particular time and place we find ourselves now at our church across all of our campuses. Would you take a moment to pause and reflect on where you've been personally over the last few months? What might God be inviting you into over this ancient rhythm of Lent? We pray that it is an invitation to grow (perhaps in a new way).
Our Recommendations for Lent This Year
Book Recommendation
We are always looking for a book (or two) to help encourage you as a leader. Pastor Anthony Cannon recommends this six week justice oriented resource aimed at helping you contemplate Christ our liberator and his suffering. This Lenten Devotional is available at our bookstore.
Recommended by Pastor Anthony Cannon
Sermon Series Companion Study
“A virtue is a character quality that is the result of a habitual pattern of life. And the reason we pursue virtues is so that we can have a good life, a thriving life both individually as well as in our community” Rich Nathan (2014).
But virtues cannot be pursued alone – they need to be fostered and grown in community! These sermon companion questions are designed to help you grow together as a group.
Vices And Virtues_Study Guide (English)
Vices And Virtues_Study Guide (Spanish)
Curated by Pastors & Staff at Vineyard Columbus
Small Group Discussion Videos
Are you looking for a way to enter into conversation about our current sermon series? Our online team partnered with our pastors to create a 7 week conversational series discussing each Virtue & Vice. Our prayer is that these short videos help guide conversations on these topics that can be difficult.
The conversations are about 10 minutes and center around a short discussion with three of our pastors. Available on YouTube on Sunday February 19th.
Created and recommended by Pastor John Ma
Book Recommendation
We are always looking for a book (or two) to help encourage you as a leader. Pastor Anthony Cannon recommends this six week justice oriented resource aimed at helping you contemplate Christ our liberator and his suffering. This Lenten Devotional is available at our bookstore.
Recommended by Pastor Anthony Cannon
Vices & Virtues
Our Current Series
For nearly 1500 years the church has talked about virtues and vices. Vices are patterns of sins – sometimes even referred to as the seven deadly sins, deadly because they create disordered desires and attachments in our lives that can eventually damage or even destroy our spiritual health. Vices prevent us from living a flourishing life.
But that's not the end of the story! Christ came that we might life life to the full. Jesus lived and died and rose again to redeem our deepest desires and give us a way to exchange vices with kingdom virtue! He gave us his Holy Spirit to inspire and empower us to seek after virtue, and to turn away from vice. Historic virtues of the church that we will look at are generosity, diligence, temperance, chastity, patience and humility.
This Lent, join us on a journey of self-examination – confession and repentance, the pursuit of virtue, and the flourishing Christian life!
About Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is the traditional start of Lent. Join us online or in person at our Westerville Campus for this liturgical service. Near the end of the Lenten season, join us for three unique experiences as we place ourselves in the story of Holy Week by considering the grief of Good Friday, the tension of Holy Saturday, and the joy of Resurrection Sunday.